Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well Guess what?

I am going to Peru!


Several months ago I bought a raffle ticket for a chance to go on an all expenses paid, study tour, to Peru with Heifer International. It was a fund raiser for The Florida GFWC. That's the woman's club that I am always talking about. I was second runner up/ alternate.

Then I became 1st alternate about a month ago. Then yesterday I got the news that I was going.

OMG I was soooooo excited. I'm still excited. I went right out and bought books about Peru and have spent all my time researching Peru. And all I think about is Peru.

One of the highlights will be a visit to MachuPicchu.

We will be spending time with those who have benefitted from Heifers ongoing projects in Cusco and Puno.

You should expect to hear lots about my upcoming trip and see lots of pictures when I return.

The trip is August 2ND thru the 13Th.

I wish we could be sailing to Peru but this will be nice too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still here at this dam hotel.
Still raining almost every day. The yard is full of weeds and everything is icky.
Still broke. We will get cot up eventually.

Have you ever been Geo Cashing?
Robbie got a cool Geo Cashing GPS for his birthday. It's like treasure hunting with a GPS but no shovels were needed. Go to for more info.
I'll keep you posted on our finds.

Reason # 68 to go sailing
real treasure to find

I think I need to spend the day at the beach. DAYCATION!!