Wednesday, March 19, 2008

OH SO Much!

First, I was over at Oreneta's blog , see link on the side bar, and she has a video posted about a man doing amazing volunteer work at his local schools. I can't even put it into words. So go to Oreneta or directly to this link and check this stuff out. I hope it will inspire even one person to volunteer. It doesn't have to be at school either. Go to a library or daycare or help a niece or nephew who might just need a few minutes of one on one adult interaction that will let him know that he is important and what he thinks does count.

Second. Back to Oreneta her girls are amazing and have created their own blog. I think they get a lot of one on one time! Check them out to. It was very informative and creative. That Snow White who knew?
You can find the link on orenetas blog. Free Spirit your guys are really going to enjoy this sight. Girls keep up the good work. And that thing about the Easter Bunny? I really need to know!
Finally my reading. I slowed a bit this week. I read one trashy novel that the name eludes me but I did go to the Library today and check out The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follet and I Take this Land by Richard Powell. Oreneta you are right about one thing if the Pillars book falls off the head board and hits you, you will definitely have a black eye. These two hefty reads should keep my mind bust a little while. But maybe not for long as I'm not sleeping well lately. Maybe the book will fall on my head and knock me out. I will start one of these tomorrow when I finish with my current trashy novel.

Oh ya and I made the coolest business cards for Wahine today. You know with our email and address and stuff on them, these are the pictures I used for the back grounds on my cards which one do you like the best?
This picture was off the beach in Bimini.

Don't I have perty toes? Cayo Costa FL.

Waddy took this one near Fort Myers I think.

By for now


Thursday, March 13, 2008

So I have read 3 books this week. Jimmy Buffet's "A Salty Piece Of Land" Fern Michaels "Hide and Seek" and another James Patterson"1st To Die" The last one is the first book in the series called Womens Murder Club that has become a t.v. series but I haven't watched any. The book felt like I had read it before. Mostly because the plot was basic and like so many others.

Jimmy's book surprisingly was the best of the 3. Have you ever finished a book and wondered then what. What happens next. You get to know your characters and want them to drop you an email so that you can find out what is going on in their life. "A Salty Piece of Land" is like that. I was impressed by his writing and the depth of his characters. I am going to go get another of his books.

"Hide and Seek" was about a group of women getting even with those who have done an injustice to them or a loved one. Was an OK book. I might read another as it is a series but mostly it was bubblegum.

But still needing to exercise my brain I am going to the library tomorrow to look for some of the books that my friend from Oreneta suggested.
Soccer season has ended for my little guy just a couple of weeks ago and baseball started this week. So we will move from one ball field to the next. If you are looking for me that is where I will be for the next 2 months. But I'm not helping coach so I will have plenty of time to sit in the stands and heckle the umpires and cheer on the best player ever. When I'm not reading!
This is the first experience I have had with soccer and I must admit, I'M HOOKED!!! The kids all play and they run A LOT. This is great because they come home really tired. Here are some pictures of Robbie in action taken by Waddy on the sidelines. Thanks PAPA!

Robbie playing goalie and mom coaching from the sidelines.

Robbie has an awesome kick.

Robbie gets bored really easy.

Robbie and his buddy Leeland.

Robbie playing defender.

Robbie and Terrie after a great game.

My sister Amie and niece Emily watching Robbie play.

Look at Robbie's tongue.

Go Robbie Go!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Finished James Patterson's "I warned you" or something like that. I didn't see the end coming.It was a fast read. Not much to digest. I usually really like him but the characters of this one were not very deep. I'm going to read a book by Jimmy Buffet next. This should be interesting.

Robert and I are trying to pick a departure date to shoot for, for our around the world cruising adventure. This is tougher than picking are wedding date. And more details. There is still much to do to Wahine and a lot of land locked problems to be dealt with. Wish us luck.

Here are some inspiring cruising pictures.

This is my father in law Waddy at Fort Jefferson, Tortuga. He takes a lot of the cool pics you see on my blog.

Robbie hamming it up in the keys.

Abandoned light house at the Cay Sal Bank. Cooool. Great pic by Waddy.

Me and my honey at the Restaurant near Cayo Costa FL. where every inch of every wall is covered in 1 dollar bills. You sign your name to it and tape it to the wall any where you want. Jimmy Buffets was on the wall near the bar. They said that they sweep up thousands of dollars a year off the floor. It all gets donated to charity. How cool is that? Robbie took this picture.