Don't I have perty toes? Cayo Costa FL.
Waddy took this one near Fort Myers I think.
By for now
Hi I'm Terrie Thompson! I like to be outdoors doing just about anything. Camping, kayaking, hiking,biking, you name it and I'm game. I pay the bills by being a chef for almost 30 years. To tell the truth I am sick of being in a kitchen. This blog is to keep my friends and family updated about my adventures and a place for me to vent my frustrations.You never know what I will say or where I will be. Come with me. It will be good for a laugh!!
Don't I have perty toes? Cayo Costa FL.
Waddy took this one near Fort Myers I think.
By for now
Robbie playing goalie and mom coaching from the sidelines.
Robbie gets bored really easy.
Abandoned light house at the Cay Sal Bank. Cooool. Great pic by Waddy.
Me and my honey at the Restaurant near Cayo Costa FL. where every inch of every wall is covered in 1 dollar bills. You sign your name to it and tape it to the wall any where you want. Jimmy Buffets was on the wall near the bar. They said that they sweep up thousands of dollars a year off the floor. It all gets donated to charity. How cool is that? Robbie took this picture.