Friday, February 29, 2008

Well I finished yet another trashy book today. Daniel Steel, "Sisters" it was a good story but completely void of any meaning or depth. I really feel like I need to read something of substance. Don't take that to mean like educational or anything but maybe a step up from trash to brain bubblegum. So send me your latest good reads that you think I would enjoy. The last time I put out this request one of the books that was suggested was "The Kite Runner" and I really enjoyed that one. Thanks Chris.

There was an awesome front page story in our little local paper this week about the sailing vessel Free Spirit. I have mentioned them before. It talked about their planning an around the world voyage and everything that they have been doing to get ready to leave. Some day it will be my family's picture on the front page telling about us leaving. God knows the locals here already think that were crazy. Reading this made me think about how the little town of LaBelle isn't just a great hurricane hole when the weather gets bad but also a fabulous spot to plan a great adventure. We have met quite a few sailors here that are passing through or getting ready for a major cruise. LaBelle is close to everything you need for refitting a boat. We give hospitality a new meaning. Free water and electric on our free dock. Walking distance to stores, post office, laundry, etc... The haul out facilities at Glades Boat Storage are just what the real cruiser needs. You can still work on your own boat and stay aboard at the same time. This is getting pretty rare. Most places will haul your boat but won't let you do any of the work let alone stay on them during your stay.

So come find your new to you boat , we found ours at Glades Boat Yard, or work on the one you already have, and make plans to sail off into the sunset with the rest of us in beautiful LaBelle, Florida.
The crew of Wahine is always on the look out for our next adventure.
Wahine and others at the local city dock, the free one, in LaBelle Fl.
Wahine in her slip at the port LaBelle Marina. Since this sounded like a sales pitch for LaBelle here is the web sight for our Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hello All

Deep Breath in long exhale out.


Just got home from school. As most of you know I am subbing at the local high school. Today I had American Government. It was just as boring today as it was then. I really thought I would fall asleep. So I would walk around the class to stay awake. Note to teachers every so often have your entire class get up and move around to stay awake. It might help.

Holidays, boat trips, back to school, pet fest, and swamp cabbage festival all done and wrapped up. Some of those things are self explanatory but what is a Pet Fest or Swamp Cabbage Festival you ask.

Pet Fest was an event planned and carried out by the Local Woman's Club that I belong to. It was a community event for pet lovers to help us raise money for a pet park here in LaBelle. We also donated funds to the animals shelters and different rescue groups that participated. We had a blessing of the animals, a pet parade, and lots of fun and goodies. Robbie and his turtle, Telly, won an award for the best behaved pet. How fun is that? This is the link to the national web sight for the club I belong to. Were awesome!

The Swamp Cabbage Festival is a little more complex. Swamp cabbage by definition is the heart of a cabbage palm cut out and cooked with bacon and onions. Yummy. This goes way back to the Indians and settlers of south Florida surviving in what has often been referred to as The Devils Garden. For who but the devil would have planted such chaos?

So 42 years ago the local Jaycee's , a civic organization, set out to plan an event to promote LaBelle and local business's and the Swamp Cabbage Festival was born. People come from near and far to "eat a tree". We had over 100 vendors selling everything from swamp cabbage fritters to Indian Jewelry. The Woman's club had a booth selling pulled pork sandwiches. This money we use to give scholarships to local students. It is a long and tiring weekend but gratifying to be able to help our community.

check out the link

Well I'm just full of info today. I also added a new cool link to my side bar. It is the blog for S.V. Free Spirit who is about to set out on a voyage of a lifetime. Check them out.
This is Wahine in her home port LaBelle Florida.
By for now

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where have I been?

That's a good question. I think sometimes I get in a rut and just don't want to except that it may be a while before we actually move aboard and cruise full time. When I post to this blog it is with anticipation for the adventures to come and to tell of ones we have had. With that in mind as I sit here typing it is a little depressing at times. The list of things that must be accomplished before we can go grows longer everyday. We will never get to the bottom of the LIST. As there is no bottom. So at what point do you say lets go. We can do those things underway at anchor in some foreign port. There are certain things that for safety reasons must be done before hand and others that you know will never get done if you live aboard. So where do you draw the line? WHERE?

I guess this rant is being brought on by my spending time with my new friends on board Free Spirit a beautiful steel sail boat with an amazing family from Alaska. They number 7 in crew. Yep Seven. Husband and wife, 3 sons, and 1 nephew. They have been here for sometime readying their vessel for cruising around the world. We met in the boat yard here. They were in the exact same spot that our Wahine had sat in for so long and we really, I think, bonded right away. Are boys have become great friends and comrads at arms joining in the battle to take over the world. I really think that they will win. We both have awesome kids.

But back to the point. I'M JEALOUS. There I admit it. Every time I go visit them on the boat they have made some new progress and checked one more item off their list. They live on board and they make progress. They are very determined. So what does that say for me? I don't know. We have some land locked issues that must be taken care of as well. Property and houses and a load of other baggage to deal with. I am very excited for them I know their going. I know we will see them in some very far off place someday and sit with a cold one and say whoooo. We made it.

So in the mean time our little trips abroad will have to sustain us through the rough times on land.

These are some pics from Christmas in the Bahamas.
The pic with buildings is Spanish Wells.
Scooby on old dock was Royal Harbor where we spent 4 days while the wind was ripping.
The pirate flag was a group effort from all of us on an extremely cold and windy day. We are easily entertained. We proudly flew it all the way home.