Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am a very bad blogger!!!

It seems I only post when I'm really bored or have something to complain about.

Well this isn't really a complaint. Just a conundrum. Is that a word?

To cook or not to cook that is the question?

I always end up cooking on the holidays. I do enjoy it. But should I be automatically expected to? The economy here is very suckish! I really can't afford to do it all this year. Do I tell everyone exactly what to bring or leave it up to them? If I leave it up to them I will be stressed out that we won't have something and then I will make that too. Then we might end up with double and I have spent the extra money. I know I'm a mess. I have serious control issues!

Reason # 64

It has to be something about entertaining guests. Like never being responsible for a big meal cruisers pot luck everything.
This is definitely south Florida at it's best!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One of the things I think I will miss most when we finally go cruising is all of the silly American Holiday traditions. Halloween means many different things in different countries. In America is seems to be geared toward spending money. There are however a few traditions that I love. Trick or treating and carving jack-o-lanterns especially. Even these require you to spend money unless you can grow your own pumpkins. And God knows kids today often don't want to wear a home made costume. My children are about half and half. Some years they have a favorite character that they want to be and many A year they have come up with some truly original creations of their own. Robbie announced that he wants to be a 4 armed man this year. Two in the front and two in the back so that he can get twice as much candy. I of course countered with "what that really means is we can go to half as many houses". However he hasn't wavered. But time will tell he usually changes his mind 2 or 3 times.

The boys carved jack-o-lanterns yesterday and we had a bit of a competition going.

Which one do you like best?

This is our cat she is not black but she can be kinda scary!
Cool pics PAPA!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Caloosahatchie River

Do you ever feel like your just marking time? Swimming up stream? Running in place? Getting no where fast? Watching paint dry? One step forward two steps back?

And my favorite.

Hurry up and wait!!!

I am always doing something. For some one. It seems though that the things that I want to see done the most get put off for later. I'm not even sure what those things are most of the time. I take care of my husbands grandmother, my Mom, go on field trips, take Robbie to practices, meetings, and appointments. Pay bills, handle all letters, correspondence, and birthday and holiday presents and cards for EVERYONE in mine and my husbands family. I'm an awesome aunt who lately has attended many a volleyball game and even a Brownie tea party. I pick up nieces and nephews from after school events and deliver them safely home. I am the President of my local Woman's club where I plan and run meetings and committees. Volunteer to work at many an event. Write news letters and news paper announcements. Watch the budget and make repairs on the club house.

These are all of the things I do because I want to. Not the ones I do because I have to. You know work, cook, clean, and don't forget the ever growing pile of laundry.

But what about me? I read in the middle of the night when it's quite and the house is still. Exercise? That's funny. When should I do that. Oh wait I could get up early and go before they get out of bed and before I go to work. Then maybe I could nap in class. Like the kids do. I started a Quilt, for Robbie, years ago maybe I can give it to him as a wedding present. The yard I was always so proud of has been taken prisoner by the weeds. But I'll get to that tomorrow. Now I have wasted my 30 free minutes and I must go do the dishes.

I think I'm just cranky, hormonal, and tired.

This is a desert rose in my front yard and some cool anchors.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reason # 63

to sail off into the sunset.

The economy sucks! It's cheaper to live on a boat.

Has everyone been keeping up with this whole bail out plan? This is some of the craziest sh$#@ I have ever seen. Why would we want to give all this money to people who can't seen to run their own business. I read a thing that said if they divided the bail out money between every legal American adult, even if we then paid taxes on it, each person would get over 100 thousand $. I think that would fix the economy for sure. We would all pay our mortgages and those companies wouldn't be in so much trouble. Not to mention all the dead beat dads that would be forced to pay ALL of their back child support. It would be deducted right off the top! You don't even want to get me started on parents who don't support their children.

I think I want to move to Nicaragua.
And now a picture to make us smile.

Family Bliss!

Talk to you soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

This is the Caloosahatchie River 4Th of July. Pics by Waddy!

So I noticed I have not had any reasons to go sailing since April.


No frogs at sea. It has started raining here in sunny south Florida. But here far inland away from the beach and surf in the swamp that we call home when the rain starts in earnest so do the frogs. They croak and poop and lay eggs everywhere. I don't know which is worse the noise all night long outside my window or the poop all over my porch and windows. Then there is my favorite the frog eggs and tadpoles in my pool. I HATE FROGS!


I helped my friend rearrange her living room today then I came home and thought "I should move my....." and you know what that is something you never have/need to do on a boat. Move heavy furniture. We as women have an urge to move furniture. I Guess when we move aboard I will have to redirect that need. hmmm wonder what that could lead to. I guess I can always paint.

I got a message from Free Spirit they are in Virginia and all is well. I am so jealous. Then Oreneta is temporarily in Canada from Spain and of course the Admiral has already managed to go sailing. Maybe I need to find A boat to crew on!

Happy Sailing guys


Saturday, July 5, 2008

I didn't get to go. AAHHH to bad.:) Sumer time thunderstorms came up. I did get the pool cleaned though. No air pics.

This is my lilly pond.

This little hummingbird was seen at my husbands grandmothers.
Both pics by Waddy.

I just want to drop a quick hello and tell everyone that we had an awesome 4Th of July! There were more fireworks set off at my house than by the city. It looks like we had a major battle out front of my house. Maybe it will rain hard today and wash away all the remnants. I had quite a few people over. My sister and brother. My sister in-law,Roberts sister. My bestest friend Sallie and her crew. About 20ish. You know the normal around here. It was great! I did miss those of you out roaming. Oreneta, Free Spirit, and Dreamer. Hope you are all well.

My husband has finally talked me into going flying with him today in his little 2 seater plane. He has been flying for years and I have never been up with him. I tell him it is like the president and vice president being on the same plane. It's just not done. But my son is off with my niece who is visiting from West Virginia at my moms and it is a pretty day and I had no excuses readily available. DAM. SO I am meeting him at the local airport in a little bit. He will bring the plane in from its little private airport that houses it outside of town. So if I don't check in in the next couple of days send someone looking for me. It takes a few days to walk out of the Glades I'm told. I will take my camera and post some pics later.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where Oh Where are you tonight?

Well this is the second time I have typed this post. Lets see if I can get it right this time!!
I know that I am a lousy blogger!

Baseball season is over. BOOHOO. I love Little League. Little man and one of his buddies are going to baseball camp next week at FGCU university. Super cool. I'll keep you posted on his Major League status.

This is a talent he is working on in case baseball doesn't pan out.

Then of course there is skateboarding at the X-games.

I love him no matter what. Aren't we cute?

I attended a convention for GFWC LaBelle Community Woman's Club in Orlando Florida. As much as my son is convinced we did not spend the weekend riding roller coasters or hanging out at the water park. We did have some fun and a lot of education.

This is me pretty in pink with Lynn and Marion from our club while at convention.

I threw my son the most awesome 8Th birthday party he ever had last weekend. I'm not sure if we have completely recovered.

These are the cupcakes Robbie and I made to take to school.

This is the super cool cake I made for the big party.

We had about 30 people show for the big day.

One of the things Robbie got for his birthday is this slip n slide type contraption that you are supposed to be able to skin board on. Supposed is the key word.

Casey shows them how.

Courtney and Miken

We told him that's not how you do it.

Emily says YUM!

Sallie and I sure love a party.

Robbie you sure had some pretty girls at your party!

So, your officially 8 years old.

Happy Birthday KID!!! We love you!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well I've read 4 books recently. Two by Ken Follet who wrote Pillars of the Earth. Hammer of Eden was about a terrorist cult group that threatens to trigger an earthquake if the government doesn't cooperate with their requests and Code to Zero which was written a bit differently. A man wakes up in a public bathroom dressed like a bum and he can't remember who he is. Through his search to find out why what and when he discovers that he is a secret agent and that there is a plot to destroy the space program. Yep you guessed it he saves the day.

I liked them both but Pillars of the Earth was much better. I also finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. GREAT!!! I loved the depth of these characters. The strength of the women. The 4th eludes me just now it has been more than 24 hours and I Didn't write it down. I checked out the Secret Life of Bees. What kind of secrets could bees have? We'll find out.

Little league is going great. I like soccer but I LOVE baseball. So I am spending a lot of time at the ballpark.

It is getting really hot here and it makes you kinda lazy and your brain and body don't always want to do the same things. I want to spring clean but it's to dam hot. I need to work on the boat but it's way to hot. Maybe I'll just read a book.


Monday, April 14, 2008

watermellon cannons

We sure had big fun on Saturday! We launched watermelons. Watermelons you say? How do you do that you might ask? Well first you need a high tech watermelon cannon with an 8 inch barrel. Then you need a box full of watermelon and an air compressor. Which we happen to have on hand.

My father in law ,whose pictures you often see on this blog, with the help of my husband Robert built an air cannon several years ago to compete in the Punkin Chunkin World Championship. I can't make up something like that here's their web sight you have to check it out the cannons name is Spooky Bazooky if you look in the 2002 photo gallery that was the year I went. There are some cute pics of Robbie about age 2 in a wheel barrel. Spooky Bazooky is bright blue and there are many pictures of it.

Anyway my father in law is often invited or hired to come to events to entertain guests with the cannon. In Florida pumpkins are hard to come by so we shoot watermelons. Last Saturday Alico Ranch had it's annual company picnic with over 400 people attending and those cowboys love the cannon. I think this is the 3rd year we have launched there. I used to be the ranch chef there and I really enjoyed attending the picnic without having to do all the work it takes to feed that many people. This is an old home page for the cannon it is out of date but has neet pictures. if you go to this blog Waddy is talked about in the post labeled gambling with vegetables. This was kinda the start of his obsessions with launching melons.

Waddy was also an expert on the show Junk Yard Wars. They did an episode about air cannons. This is an interview with Waddy.

I have to confess that launching watermelons is addictive and that my entire family counts themselves as Melon Musketeers.

We love you PAPA!

This is Robert and Robbie loading the cannon last Saturday.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Were at #60 reasons to go sailing!
To show my son the world before he's to old to know what he's looking at.

Were going to the boat yard today to help a friend maybe and our friends S.V.Dreamer are back stateside and coming to the yard next week to haul out and maybe they will let me help them work on their boat! yah Inspiration!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My leg still hurts.
Robbie lost his first game but won his game tonight so he is stoked!

An amazing thing happened last night. I was elected to be the next President of the LaBelle Community Womans Club. I must be the youngest president in history of our club at least. I wonder what the national youngest age is? It will be a lot of work but I love volunteering in my community. It makes me happy and it is gratifying to come together with other women and accomplish so much. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

This will be short I think. I have to run back to the ball park for Robbies first Little League Game of the season. YAH !! But the truth of the matter is I won't be running anywhere. Not for a little while. I fell last Sunday night stepping off the dock onto our boat. I think the wind must have shifted and I missed my step. I don't remember tripping or catching my foot on anything so that is my only excuse. I face planted as my son would call it. My teeth did a number on both lips. Thankfully they didn't break. Also I must have landed hard on my shin because instantly a huge lump came up about the size of a softball. We had it x-rayed and found no breaks. I have developed some lovely discoloration and the swelling has only gone down a bit. I have to admit that this really knocked me out of commission for several days. Now the mouth hurts more that the leg unless I'm up to much.

I finished Pillars of the Earth before the accident and I have to say that is was GREAT. Someone said that there might be a part 2 I'm going to look. Sometimes when you get to the end of a book the author has concluded the story and it feels finished and you say that was a good story. Then others you say "that's it" what happens next???? I want to know what happens next.
While I was down this week I finished I Take This Land by Richard Powell. Good story. I enjoy books that take place in my own back yard it helps you relate to the characters in the story.

Has anyone read the book Oprah is pushing this week? It is supposed to be life altering. It would take an awful lot to be life altering for me.

Did you know that you can't lick your own elbow. You also can not touch your ear with your elbow. Who knew!

Well gotta go!

time to play ball

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

OH SO Much!

First, I was over at Oreneta's blog , see link on the side bar, and she has a video posted about a man doing amazing volunteer work at his local schools. I can't even put it into words. So go to Oreneta or directly to this link and check this stuff out. I hope it will inspire even one person to volunteer. It doesn't have to be at school either. Go to a library or daycare or help a niece or nephew who might just need a few minutes of one on one adult interaction that will let him know that he is important and what he thinks does count.

Second. Back to Oreneta her girls are amazing and have created their own blog. I think they get a lot of one on one time! Check them out to. It was very informative and creative. That Snow White who knew?
You can find the link on orenetas blog. Free Spirit your guys are really going to enjoy this sight. Girls keep up the good work. And that thing about the Easter Bunny? I really need to know!
Finally my reading. I slowed a bit this week. I read one trashy novel that the name eludes me but I did go to the Library today and check out The Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follet and I Take this Land by Richard Powell. Oreneta you are right about one thing if the Pillars book falls off the head board and hits you, you will definitely have a black eye. These two hefty reads should keep my mind bust a little while. But maybe not for long as I'm not sleeping well lately. Maybe the book will fall on my head and knock me out. I will start one of these tomorrow when I finish with my current trashy novel.

Oh ya and I made the coolest business cards for Wahine today. You know with our email and address and stuff on them, these are the pictures I used for the back grounds on my cards which one do you like the best?
This picture was off the beach in Bimini.

Don't I have perty toes? Cayo Costa FL.

Waddy took this one near Fort Myers I think.

By for now


Thursday, March 13, 2008

So I have read 3 books this week. Jimmy Buffet's "A Salty Piece Of Land" Fern Michaels "Hide and Seek" and another James Patterson"1st To Die" The last one is the first book in the series called Womens Murder Club that has become a t.v. series but I haven't watched any. The book felt like I had read it before. Mostly because the plot was basic and like so many others.

Jimmy's book surprisingly was the best of the 3. Have you ever finished a book and wondered then what. What happens next. You get to know your characters and want them to drop you an email so that you can find out what is going on in their life. "A Salty Piece of Land" is like that. I was impressed by his writing and the depth of his characters. I am going to go get another of his books.

"Hide and Seek" was about a group of women getting even with those who have done an injustice to them or a loved one. Was an OK book. I might read another as it is a series but mostly it was bubblegum.

But still needing to exercise my brain I am going to the library tomorrow to look for some of the books that my friend from Oreneta suggested.
Soccer season has ended for my little guy just a couple of weeks ago and baseball started this week. So we will move from one ball field to the next. If you are looking for me that is where I will be for the next 2 months. But I'm not helping coach so I will have plenty of time to sit in the stands and heckle the umpires and cheer on the best player ever. When I'm not reading!
This is the first experience I have had with soccer and I must admit, I'M HOOKED!!! The kids all play and they run A LOT. This is great because they come home really tired. Here are some pictures of Robbie in action taken by Waddy on the sidelines. Thanks PAPA!

Robbie playing goalie and mom coaching from the sidelines.

Robbie has an awesome kick.

Robbie gets bored really easy.

Robbie and his buddy Leeland.

Robbie playing defender.

Robbie and Terrie after a great game.

My sister Amie and niece Emily watching Robbie play.

Look at Robbie's tongue.

Go Robbie Go!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Finished James Patterson's "I warned you" or something like that. I didn't see the end coming.It was a fast read. Not much to digest. I usually really like him but the characters of this one were not very deep. I'm going to read a book by Jimmy Buffet next. This should be interesting.

Robert and I are trying to pick a departure date to shoot for, for our around the world cruising adventure. This is tougher than picking are wedding date. And more details. There is still much to do to Wahine and a lot of land locked problems to be dealt with. Wish us luck.

Here are some inspiring cruising pictures.

This is my father in law Waddy at Fort Jefferson, Tortuga. He takes a lot of the cool pics you see on my blog.

Robbie hamming it up in the keys.

Abandoned light house at the Cay Sal Bank. Cooool. Great pic by Waddy.

Me and my honey at the Restaurant near Cayo Costa FL. where every inch of every wall is covered in 1 dollar bills. You sign your name to it and tape it to the wall any where you want. Jimmy Buffets was on the wall near the bar. They said that they sweep up thousands of dollars a year off the floor. It all gets donated to charity. How cool is that? Robbie took this picture.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Well I finished yet another trashy book today. Daniel Steel, "Sisters" it was a good story but completely void of any meaning or depth. I really feel like I need to read something of substance. Don't take that to mean like educational or anything but maybe a step up from trash to brain bubblegum. So send me your latest good reads that you think I would enjoy. The last time I put out this request one of the books that was suggested was "The Kite Runner" and I really enjoyed that one. Thanks Chris.

There was an awesome front page story in our little local paper this week about the sailing vessel Free Spirit. I have mentioned them before. It talked about their planning an around the world voyage and everything that they have been doing to get ready to leave. Some day it will be my family's picture on the front page telling about us leaving. God knows the locals here already think that were crazy. Reading this made me think about how the little town of LaBelle isn't just a great hurricane hole when the weather gets bad but also a fabulous spot to plan a great adventure. We have met quite a few sailors here that are passing through or getting ready for a major cruise. LaBelle is close to everything you need for refitting a boat. We give hospitality a new meaning. Free water and electric on our free dock. Walking distance to stores, post office, laundry, etc... The haul out facilities at Glades Boat Storage are just what the real cruiser needs. You can still work on your own boat and stay aboard at the same time. This is getting pretty rare. Most places will haul your boat but won't let you do any of the work let alone stay on them during your stay.

So come find your new to you boat , we found ours at Glades Boat Yard, or work on the one you already have, and make plans to sail off into the sunset with the rest of us in beautiful LaBelle, Florida.
The crew of Wahine is always on the look out for our next adventure.
Wahine and others at the local city dock, the free one, in LaBelle Fl.
Wahine in her slip at the port LaBelle Marina. Since this sounded like a sales pitch for LaBelle here is the web sight for our Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hello All

Deep Breath in long exhale out.


Just got home from school. As most of you know I am subbing at the local high school. Today I had American Government. It was just as boring today as it was then. I really thought I would fall asleep. So I would walk around the class to stay awake. Note to teachers every so often have your entire class get up and move around to stay awake. It might help.

Holidays, boat trips, back to school, pet fest, and swamp cabbage festival all done and wrapped up. Some of those things are self explanatory but what is a Pet Fest or Swamp Cabbage Festival you ask.

Pet Fest was an event planned and carried out by the Local Woman's Club that I belong to. It was a community event for pet lovers to help us raise money for a pet park here in LaBelle. We also donated funds to the animals shelters and different rescue groups that participated. We had a blessing of the animals, a pet parade, and lots of fun and goodies. Robbie and his turtle, Telly, won an award for the best behaved pet. How fun is that? This is the link to the national web sight for the club I belong to. Were awesome!

The Swamp Cabbage Festival is a little more complex. Swamp cabbage by definition is the heart of a cabbage palm cut out and cooked with bacon and onions. Yummy. This goes way back to the Indians and settlers of south Florida surviving in what has often been referred to as The Devils Garden. For who but the devil would have planted such chaos?

So 42 years ago the local Jaycee's , a civic organization, set out to plan an event to promote LaBelle and local business's and the Swamp Cabbage Festival was born. People come from near and far to "eat a tree". We had over 100 vendors selling everything from swamp cabbage fritters to Indian Jewelry. The Woman's club had a booth selling pulled pork sandwiches. This money we use to give scholarships to local students. It is a long and tiring weekend but gratifying to be able to help our community.

check out the link

Well I'm just full of info today. I also added a new cool link to my side bar. It is the blog for S.V. Free Spirit who is about to set out on a voyage of a lifetime. Check them out.
This is Wahine in her home port LaBelle Florida.
By for now